Click the image on the left to go to the Form. Answer the questions and submit your reflection. Your teacher will award points and guide your curiosity’s next steps.
Show your genuine, significant, and sustained sophistication in lessons and beyond. But first, choose your cultural capital opportunity from the library below…
November 2023
Watch 'Shakespeare: Rise of a Genius'
which is available on BBC iPlayer.
Consider what you learn about the playwright.
Write a commentary/response where you explain what you learned about Shakespeare, his time, his life, his plays and his legacy. You could write about:
- Did you learn anything new or surprising about him?
- What strikes you as the most important thing about his works?
- Has this inspired or intrigued you to read or watch more Shakespeare plays?
- Anything else you find interesting.
Shakespeare: rise of a genius series 1
Autumn Term 2023
National Poetry Day
is the annual mass celebration on the first Thursday of October that encourages everyone to make, experience and share poetry with family and friends. Each year we come together because voices, words and stories help to bridge understanding in our community. This year, National Poetry Day is on Thursday 5 October 2023.
The theme is Refuge.
There are a number of things you can do to earn your Cultural Capital brick:
Read a poem
The National Poetry Day team have showcased a selection of poems on the theme of 'refuge' to get you inspired. https://nationalpoetryday.co.uk/poems/
Read one of the poems and submit a review where you explain your thoughts and responses to what you have read. You could talk about the language used, how the writer has created effects, how the poem makes you feel and why you think it is effective.
Write a poem
What better motivation to write a poem than to have your work shared with and celebrated by others? Write your own poem on the theme of 'Refuge' and submit it to us. We would love to be able to publish some entries in the Newsletter!
Perform a poem
We would love to see some poetry as performance. Choose a poem on the theme of 'Refuge' (or use your own!) and record yourself, or you and your friends performing the poem. You can act it out, create freeze-frame still images, include some physical theatre - be creative and expressive in whatever way you like! Submit your recording to win your Cultural Capital brick.
13th January 2023
POETRY BY HEART – prepare an entry for this year’s national poetry speaking competition!
Choose a poem you love, learn it by heart, and perform it in a school competition. We will then record and submit a video of the winning performances for review by a panel of expert judges.
There are two competition categories for young people:
- Classic: Two poems – one published in or after 1914 and the other published before 1914. National Championship judging follows a formal set of criteria and focuses on voice, understanding, performance and accuracy.
- Freestyle: The Freestyle category is a celebration for solo, pair, small group and whole class performers. Young people learn and perform one poem of their choice from any time period and can include any combination of voice, movement, costume and music. Freestyle selection focuses on a compelling and original performance of the poem.
- The school competition will be held in the week beginning 20th March, so you will need to have registered that you wish to enter with Miss Butler by Monday 13th March at the latest.
- The participants selected to perform at the live Poetry by Heart Grand Finale event will be announced on Wednesday 10th May, 2023.
- The Poetry by Heart Grand Finale event will take place on 26th June, 2023.