Physical Education
Sports Clubs in the Community
Core p.e. timetable
ks4 - OCR Sport science
Year 10
Delivery of new Sports Science curriculum. .
R181 (40%)
- Delivery of different topic areas is taught concurrently by 2 members of staff.
- TA3 allows for a practical element of PE to be introduced.
- TA4 completed after TA1, TA2 and TA3 completion. Review and analysis of TA1-3 must be included in this piece.
- Final submission of R181 is in May.
R181: Applying the principles of training and how it affects skill performance.
Year 11
R180 (40%)
- Reducing the risk of sports injuries and dealing with common medical conditions
- Exam
R182 (20%)
- The body’s response to physical activity and how technology informs this.